Focus Paws

Project Type

Product Design


July 2023


UI/UX Designer


I designed an app that me and my friends would use every day (and I love animals)

An app design developed for the Google UX Course creating a new approach to studying: compagnion online study sessions.

Color Palette


During my high school career and my first year of university, I saw the main problem most students struggle with: the lack of motivation to study. This leads to procrastination, missed deadlines, and stress. It takes away from the student the opportunity to learn at their highest capacity. So, as part of completing the UX Design Specialization from Google, I decided to design a study app that makes studying fun.

Market Research

During my brainstorming process, I researched the current apps with similar purposes that already exist in the market.

Personas and Journey Map

For a better understanding of potential users and their needs, I created two personas who could be interested in the app. While the app could be used by a variety of ages, I picked two I thought would be most insightful: A person from Generation X and one from Generation Z.

I learned that the interface needs to be easy to use and very straightforward and give a sense of familiarity to the users. This will make them more comfortable and will make the app more accessible. After creating a user journey I realized that the visuals should be appealing and that I should add prizes and badges. The study places should also be diversified and they should spread from simplistic to more detailed.

Research Study

I designed a research study to see what people would want from a study app and how they interact with my design. I chose to focus my app on cats, making my target audience cat lovers. The idea has the potential to grow beyond cat-themed study sessions towards giving the audience the option of choosing which animal they would like to study with.

I also used the technique of storyboarding to get closer to my audience and build empathy towards my future users. I drew the simple steps some might take while using the app.

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